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Pokidots is the woman-owned company where the sentimental clothes you hold on to are turned into unique, timeless, custom keepsakes. This way, you get to enjoy the precious memories in beautiful pieces of art, rather than keep them stored away and forgotten ❤

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In the photos above, you can see examples of custom keepsakes created for other clients.

In the first photo is (the process of) Lea’s keepsake, made with a piece of the fancy dress she wore at her first daddy-daughter dance. It was an adorable lace and tulle dress and Lea was feeling so happy and proud to be dancing with her daddy at 5 years old. The illustration on Lea’s keepsake is inspired by photos of her, and is an imagined adult version of her 5-year-old self, like a future portrait! Lea’s dad was very happy and thought this is how he would imagine her looking like when she is grown up. It’s a comment I get a lot on the fashion keepsakes with custom illustration, and that’s part of the reason why it’s the Pokidots best-seller custom keepsake! Read more about these wonderful, most unique keepsakes here.

The second photo is Mark’s sailboat keepsake, an adorable piece made with little Mark’s preppy outfit: a cute plaid shirt and a sweater that also has a little sailboat on it. The result is so beautiful and adorable at the same time, and Mark’s picture is just priceless. This sailboat keepsake will be cherished by his mom for all her life and probably handed down, as is the case with all the keepsakes! :)

The third photo shows how all these precious keepsakes are packaged with care and love. This lovely “pokidot” paper has been wrapping the keepsakes for many years now and at this point it became a source of joy when my clients open the box and see it, the only thing standing between them and their precious keepsake!

In the fourth photo, it’s a very sentimental keepsake, made with my client’s dad’s favorite shirt. He had recently passed, and my client was looking for a subtle way to honor his memory. This style was perfect for her: it’s the versatile “Noble Mountains/Ocean Waves” style, and for my client, it is the mountains, because her dad loved the mountains and spent as much time in his life as he could on the mountains, skiing, hiking, photographing the mountains. The best part of the keepsake is that I asked my client if she wanted to add a private note to her keepsake, as a closure note or something to make her feel better, and she agreed—and that’s what the little folded paper is. I haven’t opened it, but I included it in her keepsake for good vibes. My client was so touched by the result and said her entire family will cherish this keepsake forever.

Picture 5 features adorable little Jordan discovering her custom keepsake, made with her favorite dress as a toddler. She remembered the dress, of course, and although she was sad she had outgrown it and couldn’t wear it anymore, she was totally thrilled to “get it back” as a piece of art she could look at and keep. Her mom absolutely loved the keepsake as well and had tears in her eyes—also a common reaction to the keepsakes that I love getting! I created a quick video of the process of making Jordan’s keepsake, and you can see it here.

The last picture is a Christmas (or not!) keepsake I made for one of my VIP clients for her younger son. Carrick already had a hot air balloon keepsake made with his baby onesie, and he later got the spruce tree keepsake made with his Christmas PJs, to display during the holidays. What a great idea! When the holiday decorations are out, these keepsakes now made their appearance to adorn the walls for Christmas. I think everyone should do that!

If you would like to see how clients choose and use their keepsakes, don’t forget to sign up above, and head to the blog to read their stories.