Welcome to the feel-good medicine cabinet! It started with the Happy Pills, and has gradually expanded to a pill collection for a variety of positive boosts, and options for everyone.

Such a fun new product, all mindfully created and crafted in our Seattle studio. These are the “pills” you will want to take, and you don’t need a doctor for those! (Unless you actually eat them, in which case you might need a doctor :) Open one capsule each day to get a little pick-me-up on demand: a thoughtfully created little statement rolled up and tucked inside—all positive statements meant to uplift you or nudge you to take action. Start your morning with one, and put them all back and start over!

It’s a perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. Here are the pills available in beautiful, uplifting colors:

Happy Pills: A happy boost for any day, to give you a little smile.
- For: a little heartfelt, sunshiney mood boost for any day.

Chill Pills: Break free from the hustle and slow down a little. Chill!
- For: encouragement to take a break from a state of auto-pilot and slow down the busy-ness.

Badass Pills: To remember your greatness (explicit—not for children or people who dislike swear words).
- For: remembering that you are stronger and more awesome than you think. A great gift for a friend who inspires you; that’s why these are the ones that can be custom (see below).

Uplifting Pills: A boost to chase away the blues, when you or your loved one are feeling sad or down.
- For: someone who’s in a funk, worried or a little sad. Nudges to start seeing the light.

Mindfulness Pills: To bring you to the present moment.
- For: someone who would like to be more mindful, less distracted, more in the present; a nudge to breathe, meditate, simplify.

Manifesting Pills: Your daily dose of woo-woo and high-vibing.
- For: anyone who’s into manifesting. An awesome way to raise your frequency every day and remember your power to create.

Abundance Pills: A daily reminder to think big and expand.
- For: putting you in a state of expansion and abundance, to dream your dreams and feel your limitlessness. A good companion to Manifesting!

Get It Done Pills: To inspire you to take action and get your thing done.
- For: a kick in the butt to motivate you to take action and work towards that certain goal or habit you have in mind.

Love Pills: Little reminders of love for you.
- For: giving to the one you love. Sweet messages of love; works for a spouse or a long-time partner, any time you want to show your appreciation more.

*NEW* Happy Pills - Chill Pills - Badass Pills - Uplifting Pills and... LOVE Pills
*NEW* Mindfulness Pills - Manifesting Pills - Abundance Pills - Get it Done Pills


1. Make it personal

Want to go the extra mile and customize your prescription for a loved one? The Badass Pills can be personalized with a label containing the name of your person! The regular Badass pills are explicit, but if that’s not your jam, this custom name option is also available with the awesome, uplifting messages, minus the mildly foul language. Just select your choice at checkout!

*NEW* [Custom name] - Personalized pills!
from $26.97

2. Make it a whole experience

The experience of opening your daily pill at your favorite time of day has been compared to a ritual my clients look forward to. What a joy! To take it a step further, I created this set, complete with an extra, empty jar and a perfect wooden tray to make the experience more ritual-like: Open your daily pill, then roll it back into the capsule and drop it in the extra jar. After 30 days, you will be ready to start over and prolong the joy. Add a candle on the side and a comfy drink to make your experience even more delightful!

The luxe set is an upgrade available on any of the 9 Pill choices, as well as the custom pills.

*NEW* Pills - The luxe set: bamboo tray and extra jar.


What a delightful little jar. Just knowing that there is a collection of positive messages waiting for you to open them is heart-warming. If you received these as a gift, you’re lucky! Someone truly cares about you.

Please have any kind of surface available like a little counter or table or a book to temporarily set the small pieces on. They are small and transparent!

Open the jar gently and pick up a capsule. The capsule can be opened easily by gently pulling its sides apart from each other; take out the rolled paper and remove the golden ring. Unroll the paper to read your message and boost your mood!

You can keep your messages (all opened ones or just your favorites) unrolled and put them in different spots as reminders. Or you can re-roll your message, secure it with the ring, and put it back in the capsule and in the little zip bag provided. Once you go through all of your capsules, you can move them from the zip bag to the jar and do it all over again!

In either case, please make sure you put away the small capsule pieces and the rings as they can be harmful if they get found and ingested by small children or pets.

If you got the Luxe Set, you can put the capsules back in the extra jar as you move through them, and then just shake it up and start over from the extra jar to the original one.

Just typing this makes me feel the “hug” of the wonderful messages waiting to be read.



I believe in pleasurable rituals, and opening these capsules totally counts as a pleasurable ritual.

Just for fun, and because why not, here are some extra things you can add to your experience. You probably already have them at home:

Have a dedicated space to place your jar where others won’t reach it if you don’t want them to. A comfortable chair and a small surface to place your pieces would make your moment extra. Awaken the rest of your senses with: a light blanket for soft comfort, a lightly scented candle, music that matches the vibe of your pill jar, and a satisfying drink.

Take those few minutes; you deserve this treat.



Recommended dosage is to start with one or two jars, open one capsule a day, preferably at a consistent time, with or without a comfy drink. It's been reported that clients have needed to try all the other colors, for more joy. Using multiple jars simultaneously is safe, however, side effects include an obsession of wanting to open all the pills in one sitting, or wanting to buy all the prescriptions for all the people.

Ok, joking aside, the pills are totally safe for adults (and older kids) who use them as they are intended and don’t eat them!

This said, please keep these away from small kids and pets. We recommend using a surface when enjoying the activity of opening a pill to discover your message, so that you have a place to set the small transparent pieces and ring. If you’re leaving the message out as a reminder, please still put the ring inside the capsule, close it, and put it away. Enjoy the positive rays of sunshiney messages!