Behind the scenes at my happy place.
What happens behind the scenes at the Pokidots! studio (aka the 9 to 5 dining room)?
Below is a 40-second video that shows a quick glance into some of the creative process of making a unique keepsake.
This has been so far my best year in business and I am grateful for each one of you, Pokidots supporters, and my wonderful clients. I have very exciting ideas for Pokidots’s future and a mission that I look forward to sharing with you. I have a big smile just typing this; that's how happy it is making me feel, and I can't wait to share the news when the time comes.
Meanwhile, watch the video and don't hesitate to tell me what you think!
Here is the final keepsake I was working on in the video :)
Here’s to many more beautiful keepsakes and hours and hours of art and beauty from Pokidots!